Thursday, November 16, 2006

Physics: Our Fine-Tuned Universe

A common argument for Creationism is the uniqueness of the Earth. It is said that the Earth is made "just right" for life. However, this argument can often be side-stepped by Evolutionists who point out that if Earth wasn't suitable to life, life never would have evolved, and we would not be here to observe the "just right"-ness.

Creationists seemingly should thus use a much more potent and convincing fact on this theme: the fine-tuning of the entire universe. Let us examine two of the physical properties and laws of nature which demonstrate this idea.

1. Quantum physics. If the laws of quantum physics, or especially the laws governing the "strong nuclear force," were just slightly changed, it is probable that atoms (the fundamental building blocks of matter) could not even exist. If atoms did not exist, the universe would be merely a plasma of radiation and particles, and there would be no life.

2. The maximum density state of water. Water, the most abundant and perhaps most important substance to life, is very different from any other substance in that its maximum density state is above the freezing point, at 4 degrees Centigrade. If water were like everything else, life could not exist because all the water would freeze completely. As it is, it only freezes on top, because the ice is lighter than the water below it. This enables land animals and plants to continue to ingest liquid water all winter, and likewise enables sea and river animals and plants to not simply freeze right through! All other substances than water continue increasing in density as their temperature decreases.

There may be as many as 18 such laws and properties which are vital to life. If any of these were slightly different, none of us would be here. The universe is created for life to thrive in it.

Does Evolution have objections to this idea? The only objection which can be raised is a conjecure which hypothesizes that there are actually an infinite amount of universes in hyperspace, each with a different set of laws for energy and matter.

The infinite universes conjecture is a very convenient imagination, but it can never be proven. Evolutionists present it because they are not willing to accept the facts when the facts challenge their paradigm. They simply cannot let their religion of Relativism bow to cold, hard, scientific Law.

-R. Josiah Magnuson

1 comment:

PlatoisDerrida said...


Your argument boils down to: if conditions were different, the conclusions might be also. I accept the structure of your argument but fail to see how it provides a sound rebuttal for the argument that the universe was not designed.

Perhaps you'd care to elaborate?